Become A
United Lacrosse Association is an all volunteer organization. Business sponsorships and private donations are some of our most important sources of funds. The United Lacrosse Association and the ULA community recognize that sponsor assistance helps keep our registration fees low and prevents us from having to resort to other fundraising options, such as door-to-door candy and gift sales. As we are a 501c3, please consider making us your primary yearly charitable organization.
Business Sponsorships Levels
Platinum Level - $800
Large logo patch on a team's jerseys
Your name, logo, and contact info included in our yearly parent guide
Email blast to the ULA community announcing your generosity
Dynamic web link to your website
Gold Level - $350
Your name, logo, and contact info included in our yearly parent guide
Email blast to the ULA community announcing your generosity
Dynamic web link to your website
Silver Level - $200
Email blast to the ULA community announcing your generosity
Dynamic web link to your website
Individual / Family Sponsorships
Hall of Fame - $5000+ (you will be included in our yearly handout forever)
Individual / Family of the Year - $1000+
All American Individual / Family - $500+
All State Individual / Family - $250+
All County Individual / Family - $50+
Best Sportsmanship Individual / Family - $25+